Monday 31 March 2014

Eager for Easter & April

Happy Monday everyone! March is almost complete. Hopefully one of these days it will finally feel like Spring outside! With these thoughts in mind, and Easter creating excitement in our classroom, here is a look at our newest bulletin board:

Our Science class even involved some Easter related fun. We continued our discussion about structures and the different ways that we can put things together. Students were asked to colour a picture of a basket, bunny, bow, and three eggs. They had to choose how they would put the pieces together with either glue, tape, a stapler, or fasteners. Here is one of our finished products:
In Math, we discussed how we can measure height and compare items using the words 'shorter' and longer'. In pairs, the students sorted items (straws, wooden pieces, cardboard rolls) from shortest to tallest. Then, they had to sort pieces of construction paper:
After lunch, we attended an assembly in the gym. Then we had a discussion about texture. Students took turns describing the different textures of a variety of items. These are the words that they came up with:
The students then had the task of creating a textured egg using a variety of materials. Here are some examples of their masterpieces:

We delved into the 5th lesson from the 7 Habits of Happy Kids:
Jumper Rabbit learnt the importance of listening and that sometimes we need to listen with our eyes and our heart, too. Here is the poster that was shared with the students, which breaks it down into language that is easier to understand:
After our discussion, student's shared their connections to the story in their 7 Habits booklets.
We ended off the day with our talking circle. Oh yes, we also discussed April Fool's Day during our calendar meeting (since we won't be at school tomorrow). We read a silly, fun story called April Foolishness:
I will meet you back here in April! :)

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