Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Learning of Happy Kids

Welcome to a new week in Kindergarten!
We have a new addition to our classroom~ a twin tailed beta fish, Rainbow Fish! The goldfish weren't lasting too long in our simple tank, so hopefully Rainbow Fish will be sticking around for a while. Isn't he beautiful?

We stepped right into our new Science unit yesterday, learning about matter (solids, liquids, gases). Then the students mixed solids (salt and flour) with a liquid (hot water) in their own bowls to create a solid that can change it's form! Their home made play dough soon transformed into people, cookies, cakes, hot dogs in buns, and truck wheels. We decided to imagine the colours in our mind instead of getting a bit messier with actual food colouring. Some students don't mind getting their hands dirty, while a couple were reluctant to work the dough with their hands.

Dump it...

Mix it...
 Roll it...

and create!
In math, we reviewed 2-D shapes and learnt about 3-D shapes. Then, students sorted a variety of items into the two categories.
For our Health class, we looked at the big question: "How do our choices affect us?" To simplify the question, we broke it down into how good choice and bad choices affect us (how they make us feel, what happens to us when we make these choices).
Next, we began our journey into learning through the stories in The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey. We only had time to have an introduction to the characters in the stories. Next day, we will dive into the first habit: Be Proactive.
For the last period of the day, we went to the gym to see what was happening at the Science Fair. Our favourites were the erupting volcanoes!
It was a great start to the week. Stay tuned for tomorrow's adventures...

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