Tuesday 18 March 2014

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!

 Happy Tuesday everyone!

We had another exciting adventure in Science today. Students learnt about melting and freezing, which changes liquids to solids and vice versa. Then, we used a solid (ice) to turn a liquid (milk/vanilla) into another solid-- ice cream!!! There was also some sugar in the milk and some salt in the ice. So, the large Ziploc bag held the ice cubes and salt. We then placed a smaller Ziploc bag inside, which contained the milk, sugar, and vanilla. Then we had to shake, shake, shake!!! As you can see, it got very cold on our hands and we all put our gloves on:

Everyone seemed to enjoy our yummy 'experiment'!
In our math class, I showed the students a book that I made. It is called "Shapes Are Everywhere!" and has all of the pictures that I took of the students when they found shapes in our classroom.
Then, we had another try at playing "Which one of these things doesn't belong here?" and reviewed sorting rules, as well as the different ways that we can sort objects. Students then had the task of using anything within the classroom to practice sorting and try out their own game of "Which one of these things doesn't belong here." There was a lot of sorting by shape and colour.
Which one doesn't belong? The button without any holes!
For our Health class, we got back into the 7 Healthy Habits of Happy Kids. The 2nd habit is to begin with the end in mind. We read the story of Goob the Bear. He saw a bug kit in a store window that he really wanted, so he set the goal of making some money and then created a list of all of the ways that he would spend his money. Goob and his friend Jumper Rabbit make $20 at a lemonade stand, which they split (a good opportunity to talk about  math!). Whereas Jumper Rabbit spend his  money on things like food that he ate right away and a toy that broke, Goob was able to buy all of the things that he had planned, including the bug kit, and he had money left over to put into savings.
After reading the story, we discussed why it is a good idea to plan ahead and set goals. Students shared examples from their own lives and then they represented their ideas in their 7 Habits booklet.
For our PWIM work today, we reviewed our words with a fun See/Say/Spell. We also read another book about Truck Town called The Great Rescue. We ended off the day with some Cosmic Kids Yoga and our talking circle.

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