Friday 21 March 2014

Friday- Fun Fun Day!

Our morning began with some wonderful dramatic play. First off, all of the students were working away in our rice and construction/sand tables. I've never seen them all play in those sensory bins at once. However, they turned them into a bakery! I received many cupcakes, pies, pancakes, and ice cream- yum yum!

The action moved to our kitchen/drama center and then, suddenly, the math manipulatives were being placed onto one of the tables. What was happening? An animal hospital was forming! Many unhealthy animals were treated: a cat who would not eat (he was treated with some medicine), a rabbit who burnt his ears sitting on the stove (a needle did the trick), a sad lion, a fish (he required water and milk), and a group of frogs (they needed to be in individual cages). My favourite patient was a grey cat. This is the conversation that ensued:

Student 1: My cat has a tail infection!
Student 2: It's tail is broken. Let's take it's blood pressure. If it's tail is broken it could die!

After a thorough blood pressure inspection:
Student 2: "He has a broken tail bone."

I can't remember what the remedy was, but it was rather entertaining!

In Science, we reviewed solids, liquids, and gases. Then we talked about how a liquid can turn into a gas through evaporation. Our experiment today involved painting with a water and salt mixture. Throughout the day, the water evaporated leaving behind the salt.
For our Math class, we reviewed 3-D shapes. The students were given the challenge of building 3-D shapes out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.

We began our health class with Cosmic Kids Yoga. Then we learnt the 3rd habit from The 7 Healthy Habits of 7 Kids: Put First Things First. In other words, work first and play later. The story that we read was about Pokey the Porcupine, who chose to play with his friends instead of studying for his spelling test. This habit seemed to be the easiest for the students to understand. I forgot to get a picture of the poster/affirmation that I shared with this lesson.
We rounded out the day with a See/Say/Spell to review our PWIM words. Today, we spelt aloud the words using different silly voices. Then we reviewed a new visual about adding details to pictures. Again, I forgot to take a photo of this! Basically, the students are encouraged to think of an idea, draw the picture, add a background, colour the picture, label it, and then add a sentence.
This instruction led up to creating the "This is me in March" drawings. This month, I switched things up a bit and had the students write the sentence "this is me in March" by themselves. The most rewarding part was watching the students add backgrounds to their pictures so that they aren't just floating bodies (or heads!).
So, that was our Friday fun day! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay warm! Hopefully Spring will show up and stick around soon.

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