Tuesday 25 March 2014

Get your ticket to the show!

It was really hard to leave for my prep first thing this morning, because the K's were setting up a movie theatre! They were making and handing out invitations and recording people's seats.

When I got back, we had our morning calendar meeting. Then it was time for Science. The students are loving our unit on observing characteristics of objects and materials. Today was an introduction to structures. We went on a 'scavenger hunt' throughout our classroom and the school to find different structures. We discussed how they were built and what materials were used to build them.
Math is strongly connected to Science lately. We reviewed the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes and then discussed what objects in our classroom were 3-D. Students then had the task of recreating a familiar 3-D object. There was everything from a car to a bookshelf to a hotel.

To practice our PWIM words, we played word Bingo. Students chose 10 PWIM words from their word bags and placed them face up on a piece of paper. They took turns pulling word cards and tried different strategies to figure out what the word was, including sounding it out and finding it on the PWIM board. If the student had that word amongst their 10, then they would flip it over. The first person to flip all 10 words over would then yell BINGO and the game would be over. Somehow they all had Bingo at the same time... A good time was had by all!
We then read another Trucktown story called Snow Trucking.
Afterwards, we worked as a group to retell the events in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Everyone chose their favourite part of the story, which they had to then draw a picture of and create a sentence to match their picture. We have tried similar activities in the past and this was the most successful as everyone's pictures actually represented something that happened in the story. It's so exciting to see progress!
We went to the library to exchange books, which didn't leave us too much time for a new Healthy Habits story. So, we ended the day off with Cosmic Kids Yoga and our talking circle.
Thursday I have a junior badminton commitment after school and then will be running to the city for a Kindergarten site visit there on Friday. So, I will try my best to update the blog regarding our Thursday adventures as soon as possible!
Until then...

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