Wednesday 13 May 2015

Plants are everywhere!

Plants, plants, and more plants! We had some new additions to our classroom, once again. It makes our classroom so bright and fresh!

I also set out some art projects as an invitation for students to explore. A few of them colored flower pictures and made some flower crafts during free choice center time.
I had found some grass growing in one of our plants, so we pulled it out and had a look at the roots.

Our bean plants look the same!
It's also that time of year~ the students informed me that the farm toys should come back out, as their dads are working in the fields again.

One of our flowers' stem broke off of the main plant, so one student decided to replant it in our garden center to see if it will grow.

Since there was no growth in our beans to observe, everyone picked one of our classroom plants and observed what they saw, smelt, and felt. They drew pictures of their plant and then I recorded their other observations.

Here's some literature that we looked at today:

Roots was the book that they looked at on Monday.

We also watched a video about the parts of a plant.
Of course, throughout the day we have to check on our plants!
Since we're learning so much and our bulletin board in the hallway was bare, I decided that we should let other people know what we know! So, we brainstormed information that we could share with others. Everyone came up with a part that they wanted to make for the bulleting board (ie: sun, cloud, flower, etc.)

They worked really hard!

The finished results look great!!! I want to add some photographs of their plant exploration as well and we'll see if there is anything else that they want to add.

Great work Kindergarten! :) Have a fantastic long weekend everyone!

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