Tuesday 19 May 2015

Beautiful Beans

Welcome back! We had an extra long weekend with the holiday. It was great to see everyone's smiling faces this morning. We're winding down so fast! Only 14ish Kindergarten days left!
It is indeed that magical time of year again: warm sunshine, singing birds, green grass, and dandelion bouquets!
We were welcomed to an exciting surprise this morning! Some of our beans grew!!! One of the most heart warming moments of the day (aside from dandelion presents), was a student gazing at the beans with the comment: "They're beautiful!"
Only one of our beans from the first group has grown so far. We discussed why and decided it was because they didn't have enough water or sun. In fact, the only one that did grow was in the bin that got A LOT of water. The soil is still moist from last week! A lot of our greenhouse bought flowers were not so happy this morning, however. They would have liked more water.
Of course, we had to record our observations in our Plant Observation Booklets. We also had a look at some photos of our plant exploration. I had students offer captions for all of the photos, so that we could recap what we have done and learned so far. They did a great job! I added the pages and photos to our bulletin board in the hallway.

When we came across the idea that plants can't talk, I just had to take the opportunity to see what their imagination would come up with. I asked them all to answer the question, "If plants could talk, what would they say?" I video taped their responses. The  most common response was that they would ask for water. :)
During my prep today, students had another teacher come in to work with them. They worked on their number booklets and went to the library. In gym, we played tag and then practiced throwing bean bags. We're working our way up to the ball toss event at play day!
One more day of K this week~ see you all on Thursday!

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