Thursday 7 May 2015

More Plants and Mother's Day

 Welcome back!
It was a chilly, rainy Spring day today, but there was a lot of excitement and learning to keep us busy/warm indoors today.

Everyone checked out the Garden Center first thing this morning. One student thought out plants must be dead since they weren't coming up yet. They are keeping a close eye on them! All of our classroom plants got watered again, too.

We learned more about how to plant seeds from Splat the cat.
Then, we planted some green beans! The beans that were planted in the Garden Center on Tuesday were yellow beans and were done so without any instruction/direction.

In the story, Splat places his plant in the window sill and we have already decided that plants need the sun to grow. So, we placed these beans by our window. We will see if they grow faster than the beans in our Garden Center, which are further away from the sun/window.
Then, we wrote in our Plant Observation Booklets and students predicted what they think their plant will look like once it grows.

We also had to create something wonderful to give to the moms for Mother's Day! To get in the right mind space, we read the story, The Night Before Mother's Day.
We made large cards that had hand print flowers on the front. They chose different messages to write on the flower pots (I love you, To mom, I "heart" you, etc..)
How cute!?

They also drew portraits of their moms **love** and answered questions about their moms, which is always amusing and sweet.

We ended our day with visiting some local 'experts'. The Grade 1 class had planted flowers a few weeks ago, so we went to check them out. We were treated to a bonus surprise- Miss Leuer had just started reading Jack and the Beanstalk, so we got to join in for the story! Then, the Grade 1s told us all about their planting experience and what they learned about plants, including what plants need to grow and the different parts of a plant.

Thank you Grade One!
So, our excited 'gardeners' kept running over to see if their plant had sprouted yet. Some were convinced they saw some plants coming up already! Here is day one.

How long before we see some green sprouts? Time will tell!
Have a great weekend everyone. :)

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