Tuesday 3 March 2015

March Begins

Hello to March! Hopefully some Spring-like temperatures start showing up soon. We had another chilly day of indoor recess today. Here are some of the highlights of what kept us busy and warm inside:
In Math, we read a book about Snoopy looking for a bunch of shapes. Then we viewed a picture with a variety of everyday items that were 3D shapes and students took turns pointing out the different shapes. We also had a look at an inuksuk and discussed if it would be easier to build with 2D shapes or 3D shapes. Finally, students used a variety of building materials to come up with their own creation made with 3D shapes.
In Science, we continued talking about forces of energy. Today, we discussed sound. First, we brainstormed everything that we know about sounds. Then, we watched a cartoon with a lot of information about the topic so that we could add more to our chart. Finally, students showed what they know by drawing pictures of 3 things that make sound.
We read a story called Pips Magic Rainbow Wish, about a mouse who wishes that he could catch the rainbow to give to his friends. Students all drew something that they would wish for and then began working on their own rainbow.

We also read a silly story called Hiccupotamus.

In gym, we started a new unit on relationships. We began talking about the importance of safety in the gym and some things that we can remember to keep ourselves and our friends safe. We tried a co-operative activity where students sat back to back with their arms linked. Their goal was to have both students standing up without breaking their link. We also played octopus tag, a crowd favourite.
We rounded off the day with a talking circle and then it was home time! We have one more day of K this week. Hopefully we'll be able to go outside for recess. :) 

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