Friday 27 February 2015

Super Friday!!!

Today was Super Hero day at school! It was great to see all of the fun costumes throughout the school. I've really enjoyed Spirit Week and I think most of the students have as well. :)

Here are the highlights from our day:
*It was another cold one! We spent our recesses inside and last recess was our In Motion activity of walking around the gym with the rest of the school.
*We had an impromptu discussion about our class promise and what it means to be kind, to share to include others, etc... We looked through a book called I Am Caring and had a great discussion about the picture on the cover of the book. We talked about what we thought was going on in the picture, what they were feeling, and what they were saying.
*In Math, we worked on measuring some articles of winter clothing with snap cubes.

* Students worked on their "This is me in February" self portraits and then went to the library.
*For our learning centers, students were broken into groups of 2. We had a group at the computer/I-pad group, writing center, math/science center, and puzzle center.  Students then showed in their journals what they had worked on during their center. We worked on listening to the beginning sound in the word so that they could start to spell their center name.
*In gym, we played Octopus tag and then students had a blast using scooters and hoops. They loved pulling each other around and we even had a chain of 5 students being pulled by 2 students at one point.
*Finally, we finished My Father's Dragon! Everyone was very excited that the character finally reached and rescued the dragon.
There's our day in a nutshell. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. :)

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