Monday 23 February 2015

Back from the Break

We're back! I hope that everyone had a fantastic Winter break. Today was pajama day, so everyone looked cozy and comfortable. Here are some highlights from our day:
We looked over the Shape Monsters that students made on Feb. 12th. They had to use a variety of shapes to create a monster. Which discussed which shapes they used and what their monsters names are. We also reviewed what 3D Shapes are. Later in the day, for our learning centers, students rotated through three different materials to help them make a 3D shape. We had marshmallows and hard spaghetti noodles, magnets, and plastic sticks.  
We also discussed promises; examples of promises, what they mean, and how we feel when they are broken. We then read Robert Munsch's story A Promise is a Promise. We rounded off a lesson by brainstorming what we could promise to one another in our classroom. Here is what they came up with:
The next day we are in school, we will all sign the promise.
We also viewed a new classroom book called Mix It Up, which is an interactive look at how to mix paint colours. Everyone really enjoyed it! We read another chapter in My Father's Dragon, and students played some tag games in gym.
Our next day in school is Wacky Hair Day! I am looking forward to seeing what the students come up with. :)

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