Thursday 5 March 2015

Light, Measurement, Centers, and Sportsmanship

Happy Thursday! It finally did warm up for us to get outside today. We had a wonderful day of learning. In math, we lined ourselves up from tallest to shortest. Then students went on a hunt around the classroom to find something that was shorter and another thing that was taller than themselves. We worked on rainbow poems, learnt about the /ng/ sound, and had some fun on Go Noodle.
We also discussed light and watched a video to help expand our learning. Students then showed what they know by drawing three sources of light.
During our learning centers, we had three groups running. Group one worked on building 3D shapes.

Group two was in the writing center making cards for friends and family.

Group three worked on self portraits in the art center. They all chose to represent themselves with play-doh. After the learning centers were complete, students drew pictures and wrote in their journals about their center activity.

We also had another piece of Little Passport mail. This time our friends Sam and Sophia wrote of their travels to Australia!

Before gym, we read Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Sportsmanship. Then we played Hungry Hippos. Students also made a circle with their bodies while holding hands. They had to try to work a hula hoop around the circle without letting go of one another.

I hope that everyone has a fantastic weekend! Here's to warmer days ahead. :)

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