Wednesday 18 March 2015

Weighty Wednesday

Hello! We had a very photogenic day in Kindergarten today. I take pictures to document our learning adventures everyday, but we had extra fun today because I had the yearbook camera on hand all day. :) We got some great shots and I saw a student pretending to take photos of their friends in their free choice time.
We had a new learning invitation today, which included several different types of scales.
So, if you guess that we were learning about weight in math today- you are correct! Students used scales to measure how many snap cubes some classrooms supplies weighed. They weighed scissors, crayons, books, paper, and pencils.

We also talked more about whole body listening today. To help us out, we read a story called Whole Body Listening Larry at School!

Here's what whole body listening is all about:

Students also worked on a writing activity. They had to cut and paste the sentence "I am very lucky" and then draw a picture and share why they are lucky.  

We were very lucky to be invited to view some puppet shows of familiar fairy tales. The Grade 9 class also presented their own play to help teach us about mental health. The Grade 9 teacher led a discussion for the Kindergarten to Grade 4 students and staff, which touched on bullying, anxiety, and ways that we can deal with emotions such as anger. They also shared ice cream cones with us afterwards!

Because of the presentation, we didn't make it to the gym today. However, we did do some Go Noodle body breaks, which included some new fitness workouts! Students did a great job at jumping and doing lunges. As you can see from the blurred photo, they got their bodies moving!
March is marching right along! We'll be back in class on Friday. :)

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