Wednesday 11 March 2015

Skating and Reading

Welcome to our Wednesday! Our day had a few different experiences. We started off with our free choice centers. The most popular spots today were the drama center and art center. We had a morning visit from the Speech and Language Pathologist. He talked to the students about being rude vs. being polite. He also brought in some books and some I-pads.
This book folds open into a castle with pieces that you can move around. He also brought a story with pop up dragons. Students were choosing these books over the I-pads!

We also had a skate-a-thon this morning, followed by a hot lunch of burgers and fries. The students were very excited to be going to the rink!
We also had the first of three school-wide buddy reading events this month. It is part of our celebration of March being a literacy month. Our students were paired with Grade 10 students, who came to our classroom and read to them.

We also began work on a class book called A Shape is Just a Shape. Students chose a shape to cut out and glue onto their page. Then they had to decide what to add to it so that they could create something new! We ended up with a house, a rocket, a robot, a swimming pool, and a kite. :)
It was a windy day, but fun filled with activity indoors. Thanks to those who read our blog! Since it is literacy month, I challenge you to read to a young person today and have them read something to you. I always tell my students that they can always read from memory or by reading the pictures. They are getting really good at it too! I also enjoy when students write their own stories. They have such great imaginations! :)
Take care.

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