Thursday 16 October 2014

Picture Day!

It was picture day today! So, after our photos were finished, we moved our gym class to our classroom. We enjoyed many body break videos, including some Just Dance.
In Math, we viewed  a couple of pages from our Math Makes Sense big book. Students pointed out patterns that they seen on the page. We also tried out some different movement patterns and people patterns, by rearranging each other in different ways to make a pattern.
After recess, students worked on their "This is me in October" self portraits. It's exciting to already see progress with printing and the ability to sit for a longer period of time to draw a more detailed picture. When they finished, they had the option of exploring the art center or the writing center. We also looked up some germs on the internet~ cartoon type germs and photos of real germs! They look really interesting and are very colorful. Some students decided to create their own germs.

Discovering stamps in the writing center!

They also found our new magnets today.
We read a funny story, "Bark, George."
We also did a See, Say, Spell activity to review our PWIM words. Then, a student who had missed our original shake out of the words was able to pick a colour word from the picture. We then read together "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"

We began some sight word recognition practice. I showed them the words "I", "see", and "a" and created a few simple sentences on the white board from the Brown Bear story that they would be able to read (example: I see a red bird). Then, we focused on the word "I" and worked on a sheet where they traced, printed, rainbow wrote, circled, and cut and pasted the word "I".

Everyone looked great for photos today! It's so nice to walk through the hallways to see everyone K-12 dressed in their best clothes, hair curled, etc.. We have another four day weekend in K, as teachers have a collaborate learning day on Monday. Time to gather more exciting ideas from other Kindergarten teachers! I'll meet everyone back here next Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

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