Tuesday 7 October 2014


Hello Tuesday!
Here's a run down of our adventures from today:
In gym, we continued working on our throwing and catching skills.
We took a little detour from patterns today to explore the variety of ways that we can sort objects. We discussed some examples of sorted objects and decided that we can sort by colour, shape, and size. Students then could choose whatever they wanted to sort into two groups and explain their sorting rule.
In Science, we started a series of lessons that will focus on observing the characteristic of a familiar plant in October- the pumpkin!
We worked on building our KWL chart. First, we shared what we already know about pumpkins. Second, we came up with some questions for what we want to know. This part is a little tricky at first, as deciphering exactly what a question is can be a lesson in itself! My favourite question was, "What colour is the stem when the pumpkin is orange?" That question came as students were observing our two pumpkins.

We will be observing the pumpkins once a week until Halloween.

We added to our what we learnt paper too, as students were wondering why the pumpkins were green. One student offered up the information that they were still green because they are not ripe yet.
After last recess, we watched an Alphablocks video and a song about colours. Then, we read the story Red is Best and everyone shared their favourite colour.  
We began our first PWIM cycle today by shaking out words from our picture. We are focusing on colour words to help us work on our alphabet recognition and letter sounds. So, each student found a colour in the picture.

We then worked on completing this 'colourful leaves' picture. Students were to find the colour word on our PWIM board or poster about colours so that they could figure out what colour to use for each leaf. Before we knew it, it was talking circle time and time to head home.  
The theme of colour seemed to weave its way throughout our whole day today! With Thanksgiving approaching, we'll have to switch gears on Thursday. Until then, have a wonderful, colourful day.

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