Monday 27 October 2014

Patterns, Pumpkins, and Posters

Happy Monday! We started the day off with some huge snow flakes, but that quickly melted away. I thought I would start off with sharing some  pumpkin artwork from last week: goofy pumpkin faces made out of construction paper! Also, thank you to all of the parents who came out to our Open House last Thursday night! Many of the pumpkin activities that I had set up in our classroom for the evening will be carried out this week with the Kindergarten class, so I will save that information for when we get to it. :)
This morning we started off in a unique way~ bus evacuation drills! I didn't realize it was for all students, which makes sense as we will all be on a school bus at some point for a field trip. We got to practice evacuations from the front, the back, and half of the people going out the front and half going out the back of the bus. We were paired up with the grade 12's, so we had a lot of 'big kids' to help us out! This meant that our gym class was about half the usual amount of time. We made the most of it with warm ups, stretches, and tag games!
It's a little early, but due to contest deadlines, we continued the discussions about Remembrance Day that began at our town library visit. Students shared what they could recall on the topic from that day or their own connections. Then, I read the first part of the story A Poppy Is To Remember. We brainstormed a few ideas for what we could draw on our posters (soldiers, poppies, the Canadian flag, and the word "peace" were popular choices).
In Math, we continued work on patterns by delving deeper into different types of patterns. I offered examples of AB, ABB, and ABC patterns on our Smart Notebook.
Students then worked on creating their own fall patterns.

Today, we also listened to and viewed the story The Runaway Pumpkin.
We also worked on a See/Say/Spell to review our PWIM colour words. I then read a Halloween themed book that follows the pattern of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Orange Pumpkin, Orange Pumpkin received a few giggles from the crowd! We also had fun predicting which character may be coming next in the story.
Afterwards, we reviewed the sight words in the sentence, "I see a..."
 Today, we mainly focused on the sight word "see" and students completed the following word work:
It was a busy, slightly wet, and fun start to the week. I love the week leading up to Halloween, as we get to do so many fun pumpkin inquiry lessons and read silly holiday themed stories! It's also a busy week for assessment, as report cards are out next week and it's time for the Early Years Evaluation. November will be here before we know it! Hopefully, the white stuff will hold off just a little longer... :)  

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