Friday 29 November 2013

Adventures in Social Studies, Math, and Art

Yesterday I showed the students the globe to partially introduce our upcoming unit about spatial relationships as well as our Christmas in Mexico theme for the Christmas concert. What a big discussion this created! The students made a lot of connections and had a lot of thoughts to share.

Since we are finishing off our All About Me unit, students discussed and wrote in their journals about their special talent. In Math we learnt about more, fewer, and the same as through a dog themed lesson. For example, if we have 3 dogs and 4 balls do we have more balls than dogs, fewer balls than dogs, or the same number of balls as we have dogs? We role played a few examples and then students were given counters (to represent balls) and a sheet with 8 dogs on it.


 We ended off our day with a holiday art project. Students had to use their finger tips, toilet paper rolls, and paint to create a Christmas tree. The final products look great! Here is an example:
Some of them felt that they needed to try twice, as making the triangle shape was a bit tricky, but in the end they all look wonderful anyways! I will try to post a picture of all of them once the bulletin board is up! I hope everyone has a great weekend. Only 8 more Kindergarten days before the holidays!! December is going to be a busy busy month.

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