Wednesday 6 November 2013

Beginning to ponder, "Who Am I?"

I missed a lot of the busy-ness today, as I needed a sub to be in the classroom while I pulled kids out for an early years evaluation. However, I heard that the Speech and Language Pathologist stopped by and let the students take turns using his I-pad. Of course, everyone loved that!

They also read the book What I like About Me to assist them in writing in their journals about what they like about themselves. Some of the responses were that they are nice to other people, their smile, and their earrings. This activity was a step into our Who Am I? unit that will take up a big chunk of our learning experiences in November. They also played an alphabet bingo game and got to practice dribbling in gym.

After lunch, I was back in the classroom. We attempted a discussion about ways to describe people. After a couple of examples, most of them really started to catch on to what I was getting at. They started describing their friends; so and so is handsome, pretty, beautiful, funny, etc... When it came to describing themselves it was a bit of a harder task. Isn't it harder for most of us to think of a kind word to describe ourselves? However, we made it through that brainstorming activity. I let them each pick a piece of large construction paper in the colour of their choice. Then, I wrote the word that they choice in pencil, trying to print big letters. It was a little tricky because two of them wanted the words helpful and handsome, but those words were too hard to print in large enough letters on the paper. So, we had to come up with similar words that were shorter. I had previously cut up different pieces of coloured construction paper into small squares. Their job was to cover all of the pencil lines with the pieces of paper. Some are easier to read than others, but I think that they did a great job! They all worked really hard on this task. Here is an example:

It felt like a short, but sweet, day today. With a day off in lieu of parent teacher interviews and Remembrance Day on Monday, I won't see my students again until next Tuesday! I hope everyone has a great long weekend and I am truly looking forward to what we will learn together next week.

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