Thursday 14 November 2013

We are the same, We are different

Today, we continued working on our Who Am I? unit. We brainstormed some ideas as to what makes us the same and what makes us different. We will keep adding to the list over the next few Kindergarten days. Students shared information about themselves, which I wrote on a paper (colour of their choice) that they also put their handprints on (paint colour of their choice). This is what our bulletin board looks like so far:

The book that we read as a group today was about a ninja, bear, and cowboy who decided that even though they were very different, they could still be great friends. It was a fun book that led into learning how to play paper, rock, scissors.

We also had a visit from the Speech and Language Pathologist, who told us about the 'bad guy' Space Invader and the importance of personal space. He also read us a story on the I-pad and showed us how to make origami butterflies! Each student also got to take turns using the I-pad during our afternoon. We also did some work on extending patterns and did a cut and paste activity to spell some of our colour words.

They also sang Happy Birthday to me and told me all about how they will  make me cakes, cookies, cards, etc.. Too sweet! I love Kindergarten and I hope that all of my students are too. It was really great to hear parents' stories at parent teacher interviews last week about how students are talking about their learning at home. The finally filled their 'bucket' by receiving points each day for bucket filling. We will see what they decide upon for a reward. Next week will be our first 3 day Kindergarten week since the middle of October! I'm looking forward to it :)
Have a great weekend everyone! GO RIDERS!

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