Wednesday 13 November 2013

Yesterday in K

Yesterday seems so long ago already! It was great seeing my Kindergarten students after nearly a week. We got to go to the library for the first time since Halloween. I read parts of the book I'm Like You, You're Like Me  as part of our Who Am I? unit, which includes lessons about appreciating our similarities and differences. Our EA also read a story to them called Because of You, which is about how we can make a huge difference in the world and create peace by accepting one another. Lots of great conversation to be had around books like these!
We also practiced extending patterns in Math and in Phys. Ed. we engaged in some activities that are part of the Early Years Evaluation that I'm filling out; balancing, kicking, catching, hopping, skipping. We also finally changed over our behavior tree to a more wintery feel.  The students were very  happy with this decision, as it didn't make any sense to them why our tree would still have leaves while the trees outside don't have any!
In Art, we had a discussion about what an artist is and then decorated art folders to use as portfolios for our artwork throughout the year. We also finally had another PWIM class where the Grade One teacher comes in to co-teach with me. We had our first try at sorting our words from our PWIM board, so it was mostly teacher led. I wrote a letter on the board and then students practiced printing that letter on their own white board. Next, they had to go through their individual set of PWIM words to find the words that contained that letter. We did this twice and the third time I let them choose their favourite letter. Those who finished early practiced reading their words and if they weren't sure what they were, they went to the PWIM board to match it up so that they could 'see' what the words were. It was a lot of fun and a great way to practice our letters!

Finally, check out our latest bulletin board!

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