Monday 2 December 2013

Interviews, Traditions, Elves, & Letter Writing!

Today was one of those fun filled, super productive days! We were six students strong and Mr. M, the intern who has been at our school since September, spent the day with us. We interviewed him for the December school newsletter. Then, students took turns interviewing one another. I rotated the students through three different positions-- Interviewer (with clipboard and set of questions to check off as they went along), interviewee, and video taper (using my tablet to record the interview). Each student had a chance to fill each position. Everyone did a wonderful job in each role! Unfortunately, our Who Am I? unit is coming to a close. It is one of my favourites!

Our next task was to share with one another the ways that we celebrate the holidays. Some students brought pictures to help them share with their peers. Everyone in our class appears to celebrate Christmas in very similar ways. We began to learn more about Christmas in Mexico with the story, The Legend of the Poinsettia. I brought a poinsettia into the classroom this morning, which struck up a few questions. Then, we viewed our song/dance for the concert for the first time. It is a pretty catchy tune, so hopefully it will stick with us if we practice enough. The sweet thing about Kindergarten is they will be cute no matter what! What we tried to focus on today was saying "uno, dos, tres, piƱata!!"

We also worked on an art project that is now proudly displayed on our bulletin board- we elfed ourselves!

This is the example that I made for the students to follow.
I also helped them out by pre-cutting their arms and legs, as well as created
mittens, shoes, and hats for them to cut out. I gave them choices for colours. They all did a really
great job with accordion folding their arms! I was impressed.
To end off the day, some students worked with new literacy tools that I introduced today (such as bananagrams and new alphabet cards) while two students works one on one with myself or the intern to help them write a letter to Santa Claus. Half of the class finished. I think that they did a wonderful job, considering it is our first time trying to write within the lines, using finger spaces, and it is the most they have ever written. I found a template online for them to fill out.
I love the gratitude in this letter!

 I really enjoyed the day today. December is on it's way and with only 7 Kindergarten days left before the holidays, there is plenty of learning and fun to be had in such a short time!
Until next time...

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