Thursday 19 December 2013

Feliz Navidad!

Well the classroom (and entire school) was definitely filled with a buzz yesterday! It was Christmas Concert Day!! It was another indoor recess day, as well. We had a visit from the SLP, which is always exciting as he brings I-pads for students to work with. I read the story The Mitten and introduced an emergent reader version of the story for the students to read. To tell the story (and for students to retell the story in the future) I made a 3D mitten with a paper bag and paper pictures of all of the animals from the story. I forgot to take a picture of it, so I'll try and remember to do that tomorrow.

I don't really have many photos to share from yesterday. However, some creative 3D building ensued during some free time that I was able to capture:

Making spiders...

an animal hospital...

and a scorpion!
Students also created a window and a cat.

The afternoon was filled with the K-5 dress rehearsal for the concert, as well as a quick Raider of the Month assembly. One of the Kindergarten students won Raider of the Month for the elementary~ proud teacher moment! :)

Our school concert theme followed Santa around the world to explore a variety of holiday traditions. Of course, the Kindergarten class was super cute singing and dancing to The Pinata Song by Teresa Jennings! As soon as the concert was over, it hit me just how tired I was. I'm sure we all slept well last night!

We also worked on a craft yesterday. I won't post a photo of just yet, so that it's a bit of a surprise for the parents. Some Christmas decorations were also taken down and I got the students to take home their elves and Christmas tree paintings last night. It's a little sad to see the halls start to empty out, but it can only mean one thing~~ only one more fun filled day before holidays begin!

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