Thursday 5 December 2013

Teaching & Learning

Yesterday, the first student who walked in the room noticed the new bulletin board straight away! "What are we learning on that board?" they asked. I loved hearing this language! In our talking circle, I've been asking students to share what they learnt throughout the day.

We have begun a new unit on spatial relationships. The big ideas are "We influence our surroundings, Our surrounds influence us!" Big words for small hands but I know they have big, curious minds so I explained through some examples and we'll see how it all unfolds in the next couple of weeks (amongst the hustle bustle of holiday excitement!). They are very interested in the maps and globe and found the treasure maps first thing in the morning. I was told that on one treasure map, the X marked where Mexico is!

The librarian also found us a bunch of books about Mexico and one student has brought in a Mexican flag and doll to show the class. Very exciting! Another addition to our classroom is our first chapter book- My Father's Dragon. It fits in with our new unit, as there is a map to follow the character's adventures throughout the story. The first chapter already left us hanging!We also learnt all about the number 4. We practiced our song and dance for the concert and finished our letters to Santa Claus.
The map from My Father's Dragon.
As we are winding down our PWIM cycle, we worked on sentences and practicing colour words. Each student created their own book, "I See Colours" by choosing the colours that they wanted to 'write' about. Afterwards, they read their book to me and took them home to (hopefully) read to their parents.
The students also worked on their "This is me in December" sheets. This time we started off with a  discussion about what we should include in a drawing of a person (mostly in hopes that some of them would give themselves a body this month!). I love how you can see the progress of their printing and drawing from month to month.
This group is so eager to learn and they rejoice over such things as discovering a word that has the letter E in it, that each day they are truly inspiring me! I love it!

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