Friday 27 September 2013

Wet, Windy, Wonderful Wednesday!

It was a wet and windy Wednesday this week (note our weather chart). However, we had a wonderful day with many examples of bucket filling and we got some great work done too! It was a great day for literacy. Student's impressed me with choosing to practice writing letters on white boards and practice making words with magnetic letters. They also demonstrated throughout the day that they are learning their letter sounds!

They also worked on printing in mini books that they each created, called "My 5 Senses Book" where they shared what they like to taste, see, smell, feel, and hear. 

In Math, we read a story called Coral Reef (which also helped us to discuss colours) and part of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Then students each created their own fish. I provided them with a variety of fish outlines to choose from and they coloured and named their fish. Finally, they talked about how their fish were the same and different in order to sort them into different categories. 
Class fish displayed on our Proud Wall
After reading some books about painting and colour words to build some background knowledge, the Grade One teacher helped us with our first shake out! The students did a great job and got more excited and eager to shake out words as the lesson progressed. I think we may have a lot of extra words written on the side of our whiteboard :) The next step will be a lot of See, Say, Spell where students will orally practice spelling the words together. In the next couple of weeks, we're also going to be trying out some painting activities to connect with this picture. It should be messy and fun! I can't wait to see what art the students will create and to watch their excitement and knowledge grow throughout our first PWIM cycle.

Today, my class spent the day with a substitute teacher as I attended the Beginner Teacher Conference. I can't wait to see them next week, hear about how their day went, and share with them some exciting additions to our classroom! I'll be back later with a post about the work that they did today. 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

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