Friday 13 September 2013

Friday Fun

Well, we made it through Friday the 13th! We did have to shake our sillies out by the middle of the afternoon with some fun, silly songs. Our class seems to really love to dance~ especially a good celebration dance! They also discovered the music center today and had to try out all of the instruments at once. My apologies to the classroom next door~ sometimes learning can be noisy :) We also went to the gym for a short presentation about the school yearbooks. I'm so impressed with how well this group behaves while walking in the hallway and I think they did a great job with being in the gym with the entire school body for the first time.

Today, we read No David  and David Goes to School. They are great books for teaching behaviors, as well as making inferences from the pictures in the book. We talked about different behaviors and categorized them under "Yes" for positive behavior and "No" for negative behavior. This activity fits really well with the bucket filler and dipper conversations we had on Wednesday.

We will be talking more about David next week as we continue discussions on classroom and school rules.

We also reviewed the five senses with a couple of books and a poster that is hanging on our bulletin board. They seem to have a good understanding so far! We worked on an activity where they cut pictures out of newspapers and flyers. They had to tell me if it was something that you could see, smell, taste, hear, or touch. It's a little tricky since we often use more than one of the senses, but I think they did a good job. We will continue working on the learning about the senses and the ways that we observe our surroundings.
It was the first of many busy weeks in our classroom. I hope that everyone has a relaxing, restful weekend!


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