Thursday 5 September 2013

Day One

The first day of Kindergarten was a great success! It was wonderful meeting the seven inquisitive young people who will make up this year's class. They were very eager to investigate all of the learning centers in their classroom. I was very impressed with how well they cleaned up after center time and how well behaved they were while walking in the hallway for our school tour.

We read several stories about beginning Kindergarten and introduced Chester from the story, The Kissing Hand. Chester the Raccoon is going to be with us all year long. Each day he will go home with a different student. I'm looking forward to the journal entries that will tell of Chester's experiences in Watson!

We also discussed our feelings about the first day of Kindergarten and created our first class book! To view our work, click on the picture of our book cover:
First Day Feelings

Student's also started what will be a monthly tradition by drawing a self-portrait. We sang songs, did celebratory dances in gym, saved a spider's life by returning him to the outdoors, built castles and houses out of blocks, raced cars on racetracks, talked on banana phones, discussed whose name had the letter A, played out in the heat at recess, and even interviewed the principal for the newsletter!  At the end of the day we started another daily tradition; the talking circle. Everyone took their turn and said that they had a good day and did no one had any problem sharing their favourite part of the day! With all of these little successes, Miss Gagnon had a good day, too.

It was the first of many busy days in Kindergarten and I look forward to what Monday's adventures will bring.

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