Monday 27 April 2015

Today is Monday!

Hello everyone! Thanks for checking out our blog. We are winding down the last week of April! I was in Saskatoon over the weekend, where they had a 30cm snowfall. So, I was very happy to see that we didn't have any snow in our small town! :) There were only a few puddles on the playground.
In our morning message, we did some math work. We did some addition to find the total number of brothers and sisters in our class. We also talked about which number was the highest in each column. Somehow we got talking about the meter stick again. I can't remember how it came up, but we brought it out and looked at how it shows the numbers 1 to 100. Of course, we had to count!
For our formal math lesson, we read the story Five Speckled Frogs. Then we talked about the number 7: which numbers come before and after, how we tally it, and how we show it in a ten frame. Students were then given instructions for a way to show 7 in two sets. They were to choose two colours of snap cubes and count out six of each colour. Then they had to roll a die and count out that many snap cubes (in one colour). They had to use the other colour of snap cube to add onto their snap cube train so that it would get to 7 snap cubes in total. Then, they had to say which two numbers make up 7. For the example below, three and four make seven.
In Science, we discussed structures (something that is made out of different parts), materials to make different structures, and the difference between man made and natural structures. We also began to discuss what we can do to make a structure stronger. The story of The Three Little Pigs fit perfectly with this lesson, of course! We discussed how the straw and stick house were not strong structures compared to the brick house. They were all familiar with the story, so it was easy for them to chime in, which always makes for a fun read!

After Science, we had a little bit of time to go on Go Noodle. We did some dance breaks, work out vidoes, and watched the newest version of the song Pop-See-Ko by Koo Koo Kangaroo!
In center time, one group worked in the Art Center. They chose to work with play-doh today, making pizza, cookies, and muffins! It's a great opportunity to show some creativity as well as work out those fine motor muscles.

We also had one student working on Starfall on the computer and another using some literacy apps, such as Endless Reader, on the I-pad.

Two of my students in the writing center chose two different materials to represent their thoughts.
One decided to make a picture with the felt board.

The second decided to make a greeting card.

We also read a story about the fourth habit from the 7 Habits of Happy Kids: think win-win. The story was about Sophie Squirrel, who really wanted to grow her own garden. Her mom told her no, because it's a lot of work and she felt she would end up taking care of it for Sophie. Sophie wrote a note stating the reasons why it would work out for the best for everyone: she would do the work and her mom would get to eat yummy vegetables and strawberries. Her mom agreed and it turned into a win-win situation where everyone benefited and was happy as a result.
In gym, we did our warm up games and played Octopus Tag (their favourite!). Then we worked on balancing with wooden spoons and wooden eggs.
It was a great start to the week! I look forward to seeing everyone again on Wednesday. :)

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