Wednesday 29 April 2015

Structures, a Contest, and Stories

Hello! Today was our warmest day yet, which made everyone (teacher included) very happy. For our morning message, I left out some letters and the word 'is' and our class did a great job at filling in the blanks!
A nice surprise was Mr. Pratchler popping into our classroom. He always brings us fun activities and stories! Today he loaned us Magformers, which are magnetic shapes that you can build really fun structures with! Everyone had a great time with them.

In Science, we talked some more about different uses for structures and what makes them stronger, including layering and folding. Here's the experiment that we tried out:
1. Everyone got 2 cups, 10 buttons, and a piece of paper.

2. They had to make a bridge with their cups and paper.

3. Add buttons to the top of your paper! Does it hold up very well?

4. What could you do to your paper to make the structure stronger? Some tried folding their paper in half and most of us ended up doing an accordion fold.

5. This structure is stronger!

In math, students began working on some number practice in their new My Book Of Numbers 6-10 booklet. They worked on the number 6 today.
For our Raider of the Month assembly, our class is holding a drawing contest. The theme is: "This is me in April." I am hoping that it will be a great way for our students to critique art and to get some ideas on how they can improve their monthly self portraits. The winners will be revealed at the assembly and there will be a prize for elementary, middle years, and high school. I made some posters with the main details of the contest and had the Ks draw a border around the poster. They also drew a picture of a person on the middle. We walked around the school together and hung them up on the walls and doors. We hope that many people participate!

Since we will be judging the pictures that are entered into the contest, it was important to talk about some criteria of what would make the pictures a good picture. Here are some of the ideas that the students came up with:

To highlight the importance of using colour in our drawings, I also read to the class a funny tale called The Day The Crayons Quit.

We also got in some GoNoodle body breaks. Our monster, Tangy Bodangy reached his highest level! This is always an exciting time for our class. Our next monster is called McPufferson.
Before gym, we also read our next habit from the 7 Habits. This one was about listening. In the story, Jumper Rabbit is not listening to his friends. He doesn't take notice to why his friend Goob the Bear is upset and moves on to the next friend. This friend, Allie, is also upset and he cannot understand why she is upset. He gets Lily Skunk to help him out. She teaches him that we need to listen not only with our ears, but with our eyes and heart as well. (This fits perfectly with our whole body listening that we have previously discussed in class!) Jumper goes back to Goob and truly listens to him, at which point he helps Goob find the missing butterfly net.

We also had a very exciting treat today- the SCC provided free spaghetti lunch to all students and staff! Our class was very excited that it was FREE. :) They even did happy dances this morning.
It was a great, productive day of learning today. Thank you for reading about our adventures today and I hope that you got to enjoy the beautiful weather, too! :)

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