Wednesday 1 April 2015

Easter fun

I'm back! After being away for a couple of days to take part in some professional development opportunities, it was great to be back with the Kindergarten students.
I began something new today- a morning message! Twice throughout the day we took turns being letter detectives, with each student looking for a letter of the alphabet within the words on the page.
There were a lot of crafty activities during their free choice center time! Students coloured Easter pictures and also worked on making some animal puppets.
Here are two Easter crafts that they worked on when I was away:

A "Happy Easter" wreath that students painted and decorated.

They also used glitter glue and stickers to decorate foam eggs.
Today, I provided fruits, vegetables, and chocolate milk as a little Easter snack for everyone. They were also treated to pink snacks by our SCC in the afternoon!

Another treat: Mr. Pratchler was in with his I-pad and fun apps! It's always an engaging time.

We also experimented with some food colouring to try mixing colours. It was originally intended to lead into dying easter eggs, but the colour wouldn't stick to our eggs! I had bought cardboard ones that look just like real eggs.

So, we used markers and stickers to decorate them. Some even added silly hair and faces! They loved them and many of them named them. Here they are proudly displaying their Easter eggs: 
We also read some Easter stories: "Happy Easter Little Critter" and "Twas the Night Before Easter". We also did some Go Noodle body break activities and watched the video of the Bernstein Bears Easter Surprise. Through all of these stories and the video we worked on our predicting skills, trying to predict what would happen in the stories.
Since it was our Pink Day, we also had to talk about friendships and being a good friend. We read "Stick and Stone" which is a great store about an unlikely pair of friends. They stick up for each other because friends rock! ;)

We ran out of time to read "We're All Friends Here", but I read to them the blurb on the back about how the two students have not got along and how they are very different. Can people who are different be friends? We discussed this question~ which included the idea that stick and stone were very different, but they were still best friends!
Finally, we joined the grade one to six classes in the gym. The grades three to six had spent some time earlier with a representative from playground buddies and had learnt about some ways to be leaders on the playground. They led the younger students through some fun games in four groups. Everyone seemed to have a great time!
I hope that everyone has a fantastic Easter break! :)

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