Friday 25 April 2014

Singing in the Rain

Well, it was another rainy day! We even sang and danced to A Roo Chy Cha by the Learning Station, which includes the lyrics "I'm singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm ha-ha-happy again!" So, at least we were actually singing inside where it was nice and warm. :)

We were also practicing our dance moves in gym class, while making different shapes and patterns with ribbons. We danced around to Happy by Pharell Williams- so much fun!

Before heading to the library this morning, we enjoyed the story Not a Box. It's such a great book to practice viewing, predicting, and using our imaginations! Each page gives an opportunity to interpret what the bunny is 'seeing' the box as.

In Math, we reviewed all of the previous concepts from our Shape and Space unit. Then we began our unit on numbers 6 to 10 by viewing a picture of various ocean creatures. Students took turns counting the different types of animals and plant life in the photo. They did a great job!
We had a lot of fun with our Word Work today. Ms. Bergen joined us and brought a fun new game with her! We played "Stop the PWIM word!", where students had to use Stop signs on pointer sticks to find and 'stop', or swat, the PWIM word as it was called out.

The students next played Mystery Word, where a word is pulled out one letter at a time from a large folder. Students then predict which of their PWIM words is the Mystery Word. Then we played Bang! Students take turns pulling a PWIM word from a paper bag. If they guess the word correctly, then they keep it and go to the back of the line. If they guess the word incorrectly, then they put it back in the bag. If they pull the word Bang!, then all of their word cards must go back into the bag. The last game that we played was bingo.
Last period was our Raider of the Month assembly. We also got to watch a fun video about our schools In Motion Day. It was a great assembly and our class (myself included) was very proud that one of the Kindergarten students was the Raider of the Month for the elementary level! Yay! They are such great friends that during our talking circle, several students said that their favourite part of the day was that their classmate won Raider of the Month. :) Such sweeties!
It looks like we're in for a wet weekend. I hope everyone manages to stay warm and dry! I'll meet you back here on Tuesday. :)

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