Friday 4 April 2014

Friday with Five

Our Friday Fun-day was enjoyed by 5 K students today. We were busy first thing this morning getting used to our new space. In addition to the rearranging that I did with classroom furniture- our new Smart Board arrived! Yay! The students were pretty excited once they realized we'd be able to watch videos on a 'big screen' like a TV. It's getting hooked up next week, so then we'll really be able to play and explore! It will be a learning experience for both me and the students! :)

In Science today, we continued with the idea of what can make structures stronger. Today's experiment included 2 plastic cups, paper, and metal washers. First, students made a bridge with the cups and flat paper. They tried to see how adding washers to the paper effected the 'bridge'. Then, we folded the paper to see how that would make a difference. You got it- it was stronger!

In Math, we explored how to measure weight. Students worked together on an activity to measure how many snap cubes scissors, paper, crayons, glue, and a pencil weigh.

For Health, we discussed the 7th habit from The 7 Habits of Happy Kids. Today's story was about Sophie Squirrel, who was stayed up way too late reading books. She even fell asleep in class! Her friends tried to get her to do different activities with them, but she kept telling them that she had to nap (when really, she was wanting to read). Her mom advised her that she needed to find balance in her life by taking care of not only her mind, but also her heart, body, and soul. So, Sophie then engaged in a variety of activities with her friends to do just that.
We played a game of Fastest Sight Word in the West. They are doing so well with knowing sight words and working on sounding out the words that they don't know yet! I continue to be impressed.
We worked a bit on an activity where they rolled dice and then wrote down the corresponding sight word. It was a great activity to review number and sight word recognition, plus practice their printing.
We rounded off the day with some dancing and our talking circle. Two more days next week and then it will be our Easter Break! Wow, the time is flying by. It must be because we have so much fun in Kindergarten! :)
Have a great weekend everyone.

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