Wednesday 28 January 2015

Winter is for Snow!

Of course we had to read this story today! We were greeted this morning with a lot of extra, wet snow. Everyone was very excited to go outside and play in it. Here are some other highlights from out day:
*In Phys.Ed. we practiced our kicking skills.
*We learnt a new jolly sound/song/action to go with the sound /u/.
*We read Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns That We Can All Get Along and then discussed ways that we could all get along with one another.
*We played several different math games today, including students using math manipulatives to show a number, more than or less than a number given, a number before or after a given number, and we even got into some patterns. I also gave students number cards that had the number, the number shown in a ten frame, and the number word. Students had to work together to put them into order.
*The two biggest activities in Free Choice Center time was creating with pattern blocks and role playing that involved the creation of a movie theatre!
*We were invited to watch the Grade 1 and 2s perform some reader's theatre.
*We read Chapter Three of My Father's Dragon.
*We checked out our new classroom!! We get a bigger classroom starting next week, so I now have the task of moving everything over to our new space in the next couple of days. I'll be back with 'before' and 'after' photos once the job is done!

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