Tuesday 6 January 2015

Welcome 2015!

Welcome back to school and welcome to 2015! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. It sure has felt like winter lately with the super cold temperatures, so it seemed fitting that we went right into exploring all things winter!
We worked on winter landscapes today. We took things one step at a time. First we created 3 layers (yellow, orange, and red) for the sun and then added blue all around the sun.

Later in the day, students added a horizon of snowy ground. We created the tree trunks and branches using pieces of cardboard.

We also talked about snowmen. The Snowmen at Work book is also very handy for discussing different types of jobs, as well as working on our viewing skills by inferring what job the snowmen were doing by viewing the details in each illustration. I love these snowmen books! They are so creative and the students seemed to be really engaged with this one as well.

 We also brainstormed everything and anything that we could think of to do with winter and I wrote them on the body of a snowman. I was impressed that some words such as predator (when discussing why rabbits would change colour) and hibernation came up! Love it!
We also did a quick review of patterns in math. As a group, students had to guess what would come next in these patterns:
Then, they worked on completing Christmas themed patterns (reindeer, stockings, Santa hats, etc...) Some other highlights of the day were indoor recess all day, great dramatic play today (lots of different characters: bank robbers, rich people with crowns and jewels, animals, cowboys, and firemen), taste tests of smoothies that the will be sold on Thursdays, and a lot of excited discussions about what everyone got for Christmas (of course!). It was a great day back and everyone got right back into the swing of things. Winter doesn't seem to be going away any time soon, so our discussions of this frosty season will continue on Thursday. :)

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