Wednesday 17 December 2014

Singing, Guessing, Building, & Watching!

We made it through the Christmas concert last night! Everyone did a wonderful job and they all looked fantastic up on stage. :)
We began our day with our Phys. Ed. class, which was a bit of a free choice day. Students explored different ways to move and play with hula hoops, balls, and scooters.
Just after our calendar meeting, the SRC President and Vice President visited our classroom to help catch us up on some of the 12 Days of Christmas activities that we missed. Students had to guess what three wrapped presents were. Then, one student was blind folded and had to guess what a mystery ice cream topping was. It was pasta sauce!
He guessed correctly.

We also discovered a mystery during our calendar meeting today! When we went to write the date on the white board, we saw that someone had already changed the date to the 17th! Plus, they had left a smiley face. Just in time, Miss Owens (the Grade 1/2 teacher) popped into our classroom. The students asked her about it. We came to the conclusion that it was possible that the elf, Jingles, from the Grade 1/2 classroom had made her way into our room and changed the date on us.

We  also joined the Grades 1 to 4 classes to sing songs at the Lodge this morning. The senior citizens at the Lodge sang us a song too! Everyone enjoyed recess outside after we returned back to school. When we came back inside, everyone drew pictures of their family in their All About Me booklets. Then it was time to enjoy a yummy turkey Christmas lunch, which was prepared by our awesome SCC!
This afternoon, students got to enjoy their free choice center time. There was some colouring, building with blocks and lego, as well as some acting as animals and cake baking for a Princess party in the drama center.
Finally, we ended off the day by watching a classic, the Muppets Family Christmas.
That leaves us with only 1 more day of classes for our Kindergarteners before the holidays!

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