Thursday 11 December 2014

Practice, Practice, Practice

Today looked a lot like Tuesday! We had Christmas concert practice this morning on the stage. We also spent last period practicing Christmas carols for both the concert and our visit to the Lodge next week. We are now going to be singing at the Lodge with the Grade ones, twos, threes, and fours so its great to have older students to assist us in learning the songs.
We also went to the library this morning since we ran out of time on Tuesday.
We had a few disagreements during our free choice time, so we needed to have a discussion about disagreements and how we can solve them effectively. It also gave me the opportunity to read a story, Little Porcupine's Christmas. It turned out to be perfect for the moment, as there is a lot of bucket dipping in the story. Therefore, we were able to recognize that behavior and discuss how Porcupine felt when his classmates were saying upsetting things.
We also learnt a new sound today~ the /n/ sound. We read the a story and learnt both the song and the action. This one is quite fun! What five year old doesn't like pretending they are an airplane? :)
We also practiced some new words (pan, pat, pin) and reviewed some words and songs from earlier lessons. We're getting better at sounding out words!

For our 12 Days of Christmas activity, each grade had to wrap either their teacher's stapler or hole puncher. 3 students volunteered and worked really well together for this task. :)

3 more days until the holidays! Have a great weekend everyone.

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