Tuesday 28 January 2014


We had a guest in our room today~ the Occupational Therapist spent the day with us! She brought a lot of fun Handwriting Without Tears activities that we have just barely begun to explore.

Centers focused on a lot of dramatic play today. As usual, the restaurant was open. One student had a cabin that they were visiting. Some note writing also took place, as well as literacy activities. As a part of our calendar meeting, we went on a hunt for words that have S in them. There were so many! It was a very exciting discovery. I think we will do a 'write the room' activity very soon. :)

For our Social Studies lesson today, we focused on promises. We began with a discussion about what we thought a promise was and examples of promises. Then we did a read aloud of A Promise is A Promise by Robert Munsch. After reading, we shared some more experiences with promises and the consequences of breaking a promise. Then, we culminated the lesson with co-creating a classroom promise. Each student signed their name at the bottom to share their intention of keeping their promise to one another.

In math, we worked on our number recognition and the concepts of less than, more than, and the same as by playing War! None of the students had any prior knowledge of the game, but they seemed to catch on quite quickly.

For one group, the game turned into an opportunity to count how many cards each student had!
For Science, we shared what we had already learnt or knew about magnets. Then, students practiced predicting and observing for the first time! They chose four objects from the classroom, predicted whether the object would be magnetic or not, and then tested their prediction. Afterwards, we had some time to explore magnets independently and some chose to come up with some 'magic magnet' tricks.
To end off our day in a super fun way, I introduced the game of Bang! PWIM words are placed in a brown bag, along with two cards that say "BANG!!!" In a line, students take turns picking a word out of the bag. If they recognize the word, then they keep it. If they do not know the word, then they put it back in the bag. After their turn, they move to the back of the line. If a student pulls a BANG, they must put all of their collected word cards back into the bag.
So, that's our day in a nutshell! Lots of fun and lots of learning along the way. I love K!

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