Monday 20 January 2014

A friend for Goldie...

Happy Monday everyone! We welcomed a new addition to our classroom this morning~ a new friend for Goldie! We didn't discuss a name yet, however the suggestion was that this one should be called Jewel. I was also told that the orange marking above the lips is lipstick, not a moustache, so this one is a girl and Goldie is actually a boy.

The other excitement first thing this morning was a bag full of learning goodies from one of the EAs (thank you!). The  most popular choice had a few students sounding out and spell:

After our calendar meeting we did some more assess and reflect work. I showed the students there "This is me in ____" pages that they've done once a month since the first day of school. They were to look at them and then share what they think they do better now or what they've learnt to do and what they can work on next time. Then, we completed the "This is me in January" page.
For math, we worked on matching numerals with picture representations of the number.
We began a new science unit about the forces of energy. Todays focus was on the motions push and pull. We used picture cards to sort a variety of examples into the different categories. I had students take turns acting out each of the actions from the picture and then we worked together to say whether it was a push or pull motion. Afterwards, students worked independently on two sheets to show whether they thought four given examples were a push or a pull motion. Secondly, they had to give their own examples of something that they can push and something they can pull.
Our last big lesson on the day was working on retelling a familiar story. I re-read Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type. As a group we discussed the different problems that occurred in the story. Then students had to work independently to create a picture representation of their favourite part of the story and a problem from the story.
Overall, a productive day for a Monday! We even got in some singing and dancing. The wind chills kept us inside at recess today, so hopefully Wednesday we will get out for some fresh air. Until then, take care and happy learning!

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