Tuesday 22 October 2013

Open House

Today was a fun, busy, and long day with the Open House being held this evening. There was also a book fair in the library, which we visited earlier today. The kids were SO excited to see all of the books (me too!!). I was very impressed with the turn out tonight. Our room featured pictures of our year so far, portraits & photos from the first day of school, and a backdrop and fun props (which will become new dress up items for our classroom!) for people to take photos with.

So, today we had to make self portraits! We watched a cartoon about animals trying to draw self portraits, before we tackled the task of creating our own. We took turns looking in a mirror and discussed the colour of our hair and eyes. Their portraits have already come a long way since the first day of school. We may have to try painting self portraits one day.


We also had a review discussion about the 5 senses. I was very happy that they could list all five, even though we haven't talked about it for a few weeks. I gave them a piece of paper with two googley eyes. Their job was to create a creature, or monster, that could use all five senses. I forgot to take a picture of our bulletin board display, but here are a few examples of their work:


In math, we worked on making people patterns. The students took turns arranging each other to create a pattern. In Phys. Ed, we worked on a relay race where students had to pass a bean bag over their head, then under their legs, over their head, etc... So, we created an over/under pattern. After we mastered that, we had to work on running to the back of the line after we passed the bean bag so that the line could keep moving! It was a lot of fun. :) For our word work, we played some alphabet recognition games (I Have Who Has, Fastest Letter in the West) and did a See/Say/Spell with our PWIM words. We got in some dancing and singing, too!

I also have to send a big thank you to a student's parents for bringing in an exciting addition to our classroom! An actual kitchen/outdoor bbq set up for our drama center! The students were very excited about it and I know they just can't wait to explore it on Friday.

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