Thursday 3 October 2013

A Nameless Fish & a Superhero

Well, I was hoping that I could officially announce our class fish's name but after a discussion that included suggestions such as Nemo, Goldie, Orangey, Sparkley, Rainbow Fish, Herbert, and a full name of Nemo Orangey Goldie, we couldn't reach a final decision. The majority liked Goldie, so we may have to go with that! They were VERY excited to observe our finish finally swimming to the top of the water to eat. One student found the gold fish in Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?,decided that our fish would like to read that book, and propped it up beside his fish tank. We also decided that he liked to watch our dance moves to songs like Gummy Bear and the Bird Dance.

Other highlights of the day included our trip to the library. Today was extra special though, because we interviewed the librarian for the school newsletter! We also got to spend some time with the Speech and Language Pathologist. He came into our room to teach about social skills. Students learnt about the super hero Superflex and the 'bad guys' who try to distract us from our learning. There was a lot of laughs and a lot of learning, too. The main message today was to raise your hand and wait to be called on instead of blurting out or interrupting others who are speaking. If our class can remember to raise their hand for 20 minutes straight, then the SLP is going to bring us a treat! Here is the poster that will remind us of the 'bad guys' we have to watch out for:

In math we worked on AB movement and sound patterns, followed by a game called Pattern Trains. Students had to make pattern trains with snap cubes, following my instructions of what colours to put together. Then they had to decide if it was a pattern or not. Lots of fun! We also played I Have, Who Has to practice our letter recognition, read more of One Fish, Two Fish, Red, Fish, Blue Fish (which sparked a conversation about rhyming words), and had some time for our own individual discovery in the centers around the room.
 Something else that I don't think I've mentioned before: every morning the students answer the question "Do you have a ___ in your name?" So far we're at the letter K.
Well, there were only two days of Kindergarten this week, but I feel ready for a nap! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. :)

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