Tuesday 25 November 2014

Miss Gagnon is missing!!

Well, I was off to a Jolly Phonics workshop today so I'll do my best to report what was planned for the students today. :)

Since I was way and purposely didn't give the students notice, the students read Miss Nelson Is Missing.

They were to then brainstorm ideas as to wear I was today and then represent their best idea on this paper:
I'm excited to see what they came up with!
They also read the story Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 and followed up with a roll, count, and colour activity. They were to roll a dice, count the dots, and then colour that number on their sheet.
It was a story kind of day! They were also reading Penguin's Hidden Talent to lead into a discussion about something that they are really good at. Then they were to continue working on their All About Me books.
Those were the main activities for the day. Sometimes the greatest adventures are those that are unplanned! I'm excited to be back in the classroom on Thursday. We only have one more Kindergarten day left in November! Wow. All things Christmas are just around the corner. :)

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