Monday 8 September 2014

A Cold Day In September

Brr!! The weather has taken a chilly turn today. Our weather reporter had to change the weather word from 'warm' to 'cold'! We also had a mini discussion over whether or not it is still Summer or if/when we should change our season tree to Fall. First recess was a bit trying on students, but it appeared that they were having a lot more fun during their other recesses. :)

We began our day with our K/1/2 Phys.Ed. We reviewed some rules for the gym, personal space, and general space before playing some tag games. Free choice centers this morning was focused a lot around the kitchen/drama area and building blocks. I even had a surprise pizza delivered to me:

Me: "What's on this pizza?"
 Student: "What do you like on pizza?"
Me: "I like deluxe- loaded with everyone on it!"
Student: "Well that's what's on it. Plus it comes with a McFlurry and Ketchup!"

Right on!

I received a map of Canada in my mailbox this morning and as I walked into the room and overheard a student pointing to our world map saying, "This is Canada!" to one of his friends, I decided that I had better share the map during our calendar meeting. This group seems very excited and eager to learn what is on maps, so I am looking forward to teaching that Social Studies unit. However, for now we are focusing on school rules and rules that keep us safe. So, today I read David Goes To School and David Gets In Trouble by David Shannon. I also used these stories to show the class how they can read a book by reading the pictures- even if they don't know the words. We also sorted some "yes" and "no" behaviors at school. Then students created a representation with pictures (and some made letters) to show some school rules.


We also had our first Science lesson today. I read a story about the 5 senses and then introduced Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head to help us continue our learning. We went through what they would need to see, taste, hear, etc... Then, students put together a paper version of a Potato Head and I labelled their creation with their answers to questions such as "What do we use our eyes for?" I think that they turned out great and they are now on display in the hallway!
Another 'first' came at the end of the day. We went to the library, which gave us opportunity to discuss proper behavior in the library. I read aloud the story Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen. Students then chose two books each to sign out and take home until the next Day 5. We looked over our books before returning to the classroom for our end of the day Talking Circle. While it was chilly outside, we definitely kept warm and busy inside today! 3 days in and many more to go. :) I'll meet you back here on Wednesday!

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