Thursday 22 May 2014

Spiders, Sharks, and Sprouts

Happy Thursday!

This morning brought the surprise of .... a water table!

Before heading to the library, we read and discussed another Eric Carle story, The Very Busy Spider. One point that always comes up is how beautiful the pictures are in Eric Carle's books. We got to practice some animal sounds through this book as well.

Math was all about the number 8. We discussed the various ways to represent the number. Then students works on creating sets of 8. They were asked to count out 8 objects, rearrange them and count them again.

In our Phys. Ed class we worked on the manipulative skills of catching and running and kicking a ball.

For our PWIM class, we 'dove' into our collection of books about sharks, diving, and oceans. First, we sorted fiction from non-fiction books. Then, students each chose a book and were asked to find a 'wonder' or a 'wow', which we marked with post-it notes. Afterwards, each student picked one page in their book that they wanted to share with the class.

Afterwards, we did our shake out for our new poster. The students came up with some great words for us to study! We rounded off our shark discussions with singing and dancing to the song Baby Shark with The Learning Station.

We ended the day with Science, which involved observing our bean plants. It was the most exciting day so far; our beans have grown so much in the last two days! Students recorded their observations in their Plant Observation Booklets.

I'm curious to see what our beans will look like when we return to school on Monday!
Until then, have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the lovely warm weather!

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