Wednesday 5 February 2014

Let there be light!!

Today's biggest highlight: a light box! It allowed us an opportunity to explore light, shapes, and colours. I made the light box at home by cutting a hole in the bottom of a clear plastic tote. I lined the inside with tin foil and placed two sets of icicle lights inside.
Blue and red make purple!

It's a house!

Making pictures.

Checking out how we look in different lighting.  
So much fun! During our science class, students brainstormed everything that they knew about light, including sources of light. Then, students drew three different sources of light.
Today, we also had some discussions about expressing our feelings. We started off with a "bug and a wish". Students competed the sentence, "It bugs me when ______, I wish __________."
We used a cute little bug and star to help us share our thoughts.
As I was explaining the activity, one of the students noticed the cover of Fish is Fish by Leo Lionni. She decided that it looked like the fish was making a wish! So, we read that story at the end of the lesson. There are so many great themes in that book! (friendship, life cycles, liking oneself)
The Speech and Language Pathologist visited our classroom today. He taught the class about the Zones of Regulation:
To round off the day, we had a lesson about labelling. As a group, we worked on labelling a picture of a face. Then, students worked on labelling a drawing of a cow.
I'm looking forward to Friday- it's pajama day!

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